Le Gargantua

Wednesday November 6  - "Scène Ouverte" Pavilion 4

The Gargantua contest is looking to highlight the essential values of institutional catering in France.

The competition

Teamwork is essential for preparing meals in the institutional catering sector. Each participating team will consist of two professionals: a cook and a worker. The meals must be designed to meet the nutritional needs of the customers, while taking into account the cost constraints of the materials and volume to be produced (i.e. €2.50 per multipliable dish for 100 meals). The products must also be chosen based on sustainable, high-quality production methods designed to reduce food waste. Entries must reflect the implementation of these quality criteria within the establishments. Finally, a responsible approach must be adopted for the organisation of the competition finals. The packed meals will be prepared in advance according to the participants’ exact orders, to ensure that waste is kept to a minimum. Plating will also reflect the reality of these professionals, with plated table service or self-service. The competition is also a creative laboratory that will inspire institutional caterers in their day-to-day practices.

About Restau'Co

Restau'Co is a French non-profit organisation with 20,000 members, institutions and people (from cooks to site managers). It is organised around 13 regional delegations and representatives from 13 member organisations (3 from CERP, 2 from ACCOT, ACEHF, AFDN, AJI, Service du Commissariat des Armées, La Gendarmerie Nationale, CROUS, APASP, UNADERE, GOEES, UDIHR).

For 50 years, Restau'Co has been supporting the institutional catering industry by helping professionals to optimise their practices on all fundamental issues, including nutritional balance, responsible catering, supply management, waste prevention and the management of complex organisations.

RESTAU'CO is a leader in all segments of directly managed institutional catering (education, health, medical/social centres, business, local authorities) and is a trusted partner of the public authorities for food policy implementation and support.

In the current context, Restau'Co is a major player in the implementation of the EGalim law in institutional catering establishments thanks to its experience with methodology, tools and suitable training.