Founded in 2007 by Olivier Bon, Pierre Charles Cros and Romée de Goriainoff, 3 childhood friends joined in 2010 by Xavier Padovani. Their common vision: to offer an experience of contemporary hospitality around the world. Today they have 6 hotels in Europe  (The Grands Boulevards and Le Grand  Pigalle in Paris, Henrietta in London, Experimental Chalet Verbier, Menorca Experimental and Il Palazzo Experimental Venice), restaurants (Balagan Paris and Experimental Beach Ibiza etc) and cocktail/wine bars around the world (including the first one launched the Experimental Cocktail Club in Paris or  La Compagnie Des Vins Surnaturels NY).

Romée DE GORIAINOFF, the insatiably curious

To meet Romée de Goriainoff, it is best to be in the right place at the right time. A tireless traveler, he tours the cities of the world probing for current trends, knowing that to persistently question and understand what people want -- well beyond their tendencies -- is the best way to remain one step ahead. But if Romée de Goriainoff is intuitive by nature, this aficionado for philosophy and the history of thought understands that business must find the just balance between pragmatism and utopia. For him, idealism is vain when devoid of practical sense. Accordingly, rather than follow fashion, he seeks to create institutions, places of life and pleasure, upheld by the key principles of quality products and quality service. His is a credo that runs contrary the habits of the establishment, but that has nevertheless defined the Experimental Group’s success.

Olivier BON, attention to detail

Olivier Bon is a measured and determined guy, who believed in his dream 100%. When, in 2006, the difficulties to opening the first Experimental Cocktail Club continued to accumulate, he still never doubted. An admirer of Ian Schrager and other “self-made men,” Olivier Bon knows that success has its share of surprises and obstacles. Bad times do not scare him; rather, they push him to excel, and it is precisely this awareness of the fragility of things that made him appreciate the true measure of recognition awarded by being on the cover of Financial Times How to Spend It in 2010. This is also why he attends to every detail, from the quality of the products offered throughout the Group’s establishments, to the precision of graphics chosen for the décor or stationery. Nothing brings him more satisfaction than witnessing the pleasure of his clientele. Knowing that they spent a good time in one of the Group’s locations is his single obsession.

Pierre-Charles CROS, the perpetual movement

Pierre-Charles Cros is a city-dweller with a taste for the great international metropolises. He is above all a man of his time, a nature-lover who is sensitive to the crucial issues linked to the environment. For him, each project must be part of the long term, looking to the future. Offering the best quality products to his customers also means creating links between town and country and committing to intelligent and responsible agriculture. A desire to return to the taste of nature that mobilizes an entire generation and that is symbolized by the cocktail, the group's original gimmick, and its subtle know-how in sublimating ingredients in the same way as cooking or winemaking. Always between London and Paris, Pierre-Charles Cros is a perfectionist who wishes to transmit to his teams the sense of constant effort, a sine qua non condition to make this philosophy of right and good accessible.

Xavier PADOVANI, the guarantor of a successful party

Xavier Padovani started working in the night world at a very young age, he knows and masters all the ingredients necessary for a successful evening. As an ambassador for the prestigious Hendricks gin brand, Xavier Padovani thrives on traveling the world to discover the different styles of drinks. His knowledge of every spirit, from well-known brands to vintage spirits, as well as his unconditional love for champagne accompany him through every project he works on.